Thursday, December 6, 2012

Good morning and welcome back to The Neigh-borly News and Editorial.  I know that I promised weekly rants if not daily ones but as we all know time gets away from us.  A lot of changes have occurred that put this blog on the back burner.  Some will be the seed for future rants and trust me, they will be good. 

So to complete the first blog about selecting a trainer, I want to share the results of a survey I did on Survey Monkey.  Great tool BTW.  Since it has been a while here are the questions I asked you. 

1.  What qualifications do you look for in a trainer?  Knowledge?  Experience?  References?
2.  Does the origin of birth make a difference in your selection?
3.  Two trainers of equal knowledge, experience and ability.  One is from another country.  The other is from the US.  How would you choose?

4. What is the average price you would pay for a lesson or clinic from someone you were not familiar with?  $20 to $30?  $31 to $40?  $50 to $60?  more than $60?

The answers were fairly consistent.  Most of you used a combination of knowledge, experience and references to make your selection.  90 percent of you said that the origin of birth did not make a difference in your selection.  If two trainers were of equal knowledge, experience and ability 85% of you said that communication would be the determining factor not the origin of birth.  And finally the majority felt that they would pay $50 to $60 for a clinic with someone they were not familiar with. I did receive a number of comments that said they did find a unique accent or different outlook on training theory to be appealing.  They admitted to attending a clinic based on curiosity.  So what does this tell the trainer struggling to make a living?  Maybe adding a twist to their advertising?  Maybe polish up on their communication style?  I leave that to you, the trainer.  I thank everyone for participating in the survey.  So my next blog was to be about the value of the trainer beyond training but I am going to jump ahead to a subject that I have seen affect so many people, trainers included.  So next on the list of rants is "Buyer and Seller Beware!"  See you soon!

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