Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Once Upon a Time........

Once upon a time a pair of  paddock boots found a home with an adult amateur rider.  She wore those paddock boots for slightly over 5 years in mud, rain, shine and snow.  The boots faithfully served the rider day in and day out.  Those paddock boots were made by Mountain Horse. 

My daughter gave me those paddock boots years ago.  Those boots are the reason I am writing this article today.  Quite honestly I have never had a pair of boots serve me so well and I have had a lot of boots in my day.  So each month, provided I have a subject to review, I will share my product experiences with you.  Today it is boots!

The boots I received looked much like the ones pictured below.  They were black but the description Dover Saddlery has on their website indicates they are the same boot.  They are priced at $134.99.  I wore them every day for 5 years despite the weather.  That is 1825 days.  Based on the price that Dover Saddlery currently has on these boots I figure those boots cost .0739 cents per day.  Where else can you get that kind of value?  Even after 5 years the boots are still usable and are used for cleaning stalls, as an extra pair, and for general work.  Wash them off and they still look pretty darn good.  Plus my toes have been protected by the steel toe from many a dancing hoof.  I highly recommend this boot for its comfort, long standing durability, tread that does well on snow and ice, and good looks.

Mountain Horse® Peak Protector Paddock Boots with Steel Toes
Mountain Horse® Peak Protector Paddock Boots with Steel Toes  

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